Web application
for the
university of Paris 1 Panthéon La Sorbonne
Metabolisme is a tool that enables the study of the shared meaning of an artefact by all its stakeholders. It is linked to the field of semiotics and it is used mainly by specialist and researchers. I worked closely with Bernard Darras the project holder, a specialist of the field. With him and my colleague Marleen we designed a new version of the application with an improved user experience, a better user interface and the addition of a whole user account system that goes with a more advanced administrative system as well.
For this work there was a lot of iteration. The discovery phase and the design phase where quite long. All the wireframes and the UI design was done with Illustrator. The development part is a challenge. I used an MVC php core that previously builded as a base for this web application back-end development. All the backend work I did is an extension of this MVC core. For the interactive graphic required I used raphael.js. For the rest of the interface I used HTML/CSS and javascript with jQuery.
The team
  • Project Management - Marleen Garcia
  • Design and full-stack engineering - Me
  • Design support - Karim Nasri, Lydia Jory
  • Editing - Mathilde Perrot, Francesca Sconfienza
My tasks
  • UX/UI Design
  • Front-end development
  • Back-end development